Saturday, March 14, 2009

i'm what?!

sALam readers...
erm..firstly sorry da lame x update eh.
ok, i'm 18 now..! so what? hurm does it make any diff..mybe it does.. still, i'm looking foward to see a 'mature'
maybe i did change a bit. a bit older.damn it..hate to admit that i'm growing old..hey..not that old..juz wish that i could b a kid again..haha...coz whenever u say anything nobody will blame u..

i seem to b lost for couple of month ago..i wish u could understand..i even feel lost when i can't decide what i should b in the future! hurm time went by so fast..(maybe not so fast..especially in the that stupid history class..hate that class lol)..

so,my result was ok la..if u wish to know..juz ask my personally as i dont wish to tell the world k..hey gtg..hate it but hav to..miSsy..♠

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