Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
uNiversity liFe~
i dunno..tp tah la cama gak kabut..still fun eh

Sunday, April 26, 2009
erm..boOk fAiR..a coiNciDence??
(pas mkn kat the mall..aku hmpir sesat kat sini..jgn bg taw org len)
(plz hire us..we can b a gud promoter..lol)
(x la itam sgt qah2 s a pLkn leaver eh)
(still cam dulu..eh azwa pkai cincin saper eh..da ade ehem2..eh x citer pown..haha)
(senyum sokmo..erm..sokmo tu aper eh..idk)
i met fawae n erm..so sorry i cant rmmber sape nga fawae..sorry sgt2..owh no no ..bru tringat..shikin eh eh..>_< align="center">"no matter how long we know each other or how i far we live from each other..we still frens forever.."lurve u guyz~
Thursday, April 23, 2009
hiDan is goNe!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
(btoi2 b4 msuk interview..xcited lak)
quite some time x post..byk rse nak tulis but then byk lg yg m'halang.. so, last friday n saturday i was in perak..erm.. intebiu for UTP.. my head was lil bit messy..maybe a lot..
still i hav to attend no matter what coz my dad da blackmail x mo bg laptop if i quit...
so, i did went the interview..
(without telling erm..him.. the one in lumut...u dont know who la)
guyz..cam biase...i was so so so cuak..hell! saPe x cuak dowh..
erm..i met various type of people..erm..dak2 kerek pown der..yg humble sgt pown ader..n yg blurr cam aku pown ader.
i was sitting on few type of test for this utp application..math,chem,phisics,addMath (aku x ready ape pown..plus some of the formula is not with me!!! not in my brain!! tp thank god not so susah la)..iQ test
being in front 2 people we have no damn clue who the hell r they n have to speak out our opinion on something that like hell i know is so darn depressing!! at first la
then for about few minutes telling stuff bout myself..it was quite ok-la..( the feeling was like u r talking an stage~ betoi x tipu)
i juz start being myseft n talked..talked..
sometime i dont even realise what the hell is happening until i was asked by the accessor..
erm..the..i blurted something that i have no idea what..tp the accessor tu cam pham je..yeke..?
i dont know eh
erm..it was fun..doakan la ku dpt kat situ..
btoi2 nak..
for the first time in my life i really have my goal.. till i hav forgotten all the reason i want to become a doctor once upon a time ago..
now insya allah..i want to be a petroleum engineer.. ^_^
Thursday, April 9, 2009
tag by rDa~
sila tag seramai org yg bole dgn nama yg pnuh yg agak btoL..n Lelaki x dibenarkan dlm proses tag ini dan hanya 5 org sahaja dibenarkan
>>raBiatul aDAwiyah?
>>aisYah hiJazi
>>Nur faDhilah mokhtar
5 beNda yg setiap hari harus dilakukan
>>baNgun tido dgn rase yg malas tramat sgt..
>>erm..mop lantai
>>lipat baju
>>gosok baju
>>masak mkanan tuk knak2 balik skolah nanti..
(hurm..i know2..bit dull...well thats my routine for this few weeks...uh-huh..kiter nak jd ank solehah..plus leh tmbah saham eh biler mak mentua tgk..eceh..malu la~
5 namer yg ader dlm otak anDa
erm..now ker?ok2..
>> my damn sweet bBy...eRdina mysaRa..
(yeah..moden ek namer dya..bakn aku yg bg eh)
>> erm..saper g eh..aZwa?
ok2..next plez..
5 pekara penting biler onLine..
hurm..lemme think first k..
>>baCe maiL
>> maen gAme
>>gA.. ok what else..da aku ske maen game nak wat camNEr..hurm..
>>erm..bace saper dA update maNga ker..fanFic ker..(cam matt jer..)
tu je la per lg eh..k saLAm guyz~
Thursday, April 2, 2009
so it be.. and alhamdulillah
erm..always lurve this thing..
erm..yup result spm da kluar..and i'm doing good..not great..still alhamdulillah..dpat cam trial gak tp even better..( howcome nak dpt result mantap if u r facing to the pc for 23 hours a day men game eh..huhu ~_~)
i learned my lesson..
the point is it doesnt mean that ur life ends.. uh-huh no need la nak commit suicide juz bcoz u r not getting flying colours result eh.. yeah.. coz byk lg test kat dunia neh..
the small test u r facing is not a test about u r knowledge..it is a test how u face ur probs..or
maybe a test how greatful r u as a person..or perhaps it juz a test for u to improve urself..
not doing great in spm doesnt mean that u r failure for the rest of ur life..
bur u r afailure for the rest of ur life if u dont get up for every fall u had..
erm.. i'm not talking out of random.. i'm talking about myself..something that i believe i shud share with others..( n it is not about something that make us feel bad or good about ourselve after getting not axpecte result..)
it is abut to make us realise that
we desearve the 2nd chance if we learned from our mistakes..
things had happened..so face it lar..
so skang tsadai kat umah donig all the chores..yeah..biler lg nak jd ank solehah tlg mama..hehe..
lillahi taala je la..
erm..snarnye da nek bosan dok umah sajer..n that is not a reason for me not doing other thing kay..it juz..i missed all the time that i had together with my friends..
lamer nyer kna cuti..alahai~