hav u ever heard bout >>
yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift..
(dat is why we call it the present)
erm..i know how things work sumtime..but i rarely realise how was it..until something happened and i cant undo thing to make it any better..
still i believe everybody deserve 2nd chance..
hurm..i juz wish that people would stop thinking what other think..
or maybe juz stop judge people juz because they r different..hate damn kind or person.. but no offense..i juz said it randomly without pointing anyone..
dont u ever know..what make people is people is by being ourselves..
erm..still people want 2 b like others..
they dont realise the value of our inner self..
owh.. i know..maybe my posting today is quite boring..
i'm juz xpressing what i felt today..
( i hate the guy with that stupid red hat looking at me as if i'm a wEirDo!!..arghh..forget bout it..who care anywhere..haha)
erm..last few days i went to Terengganu..nice place lol..
by rmmbering my last vacation..i felt as if i'm transformed.. i found a new me..
do u think it is normal..??
i dont know..
hey quite long today eh?
erm..i famished..got to go...^_^
sumtymes people juz ignore another people's feeling to satisfy their selves.but they neva realise yg kalo kite concern to another people,one day later b'juta2 org yg akn concern kat kite.rite?
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